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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Heat advisory, thunderstorms in the forecast around NYC area

The New York and New Jersey area will catch a break Tuesday, but some intense heat is back tomorrow, along with the threat of severe thunderstorms.
Sunshine will dominate this afternoon, as high pressure settles in. So, unlike yesterday, there’s really no threat of active weather, but it will certainly feel like summer out there.    
Worth mentioning, there’s an air quality alert for parts of central New Jersey due to elevated ground level ozone. The city’s air quality should remain moderate, although it’s not out of the question that the alert could spread to other parts of the area.
Tonight will be rather mild with temperatures stuck in the 70s. And a stray shower or two is possible, but outside of a brief moderate downpour, they seem pretty benign.  
Things will get a little more interesting tomorrow, as we find ourselves just ahead of our next cold front. The first story will be the heat, as temperatures climb into the 90s. And this will be paired with dew points around 70 degrees, so it will feel more like 95 to 100-plus degrees.  
Then, our attention turns toward the sky, as the cold front approaches. While a couple of models seem to think that tomorrow will be rather uneventful, there are a couple that are bringing in some rather robust storms. And should any of these storms develop, they will be capable of producing locally heavy rainfall, damaging winds and even some hail.
For these reasons, the First Alert Weather team has issued a Yellow Alert for Wednesday.
As for the remainder of the week, temperatures will cool down dramatically – we’re talking highs in the 70s, if you can believe it – with things settling down into the start of the unofficial end of summer.
